Saskatoon - Canada
Driving through the prairie is not too exiting, but at the same time not as boring as I got told it would be. I did enjoy the ride and Saskatoon as a cute little city. I think most tourist will just stay there shortly when traveling through Canada. Still I enjoyed my shot stay, especially the conservation area with all its animals - but see for yourself.
Driving through the prairie...
This house was actually as wide as three trucks. Doesn't look that big on this photo. We had to pass by it on the soulder.
This is as much variation as the way got...
Beaver Creek Conservation Area
So many diverse little animals spread through this beautiful landscape. I really enjoyed my stay at this area and had some nice trails. Even met a really nice woman who really inspired me. She actually lost around 200 pounds in about two years and her goal is to hike around 30 kilometers each day for one year and to pursue that dream she took a year off. I do absolutely admire this dedication and enjoyed the talk and her insides. If you want some inspiration yourself, go follow her on Instagram: @rootless_wanderer73 Meeting such wonderful people is one of the best parts when traveling. Beside all the beautiful nature of course 😉
I had to upload to many of these chipmunks, I know, but isn't that cuteness overflow?!
Feeding these cute litte chickadees was awesome <3 I got told they are called chickadees.
No clue what kind of bird it was, but it was huge and impressive but this is as far as my camera got.
Can you spot the snake?!
My favorite tree!
Isn't a zoom function awesome XD
The picture couldn't quite catch it, but these plants seemed to shimmer silver. It looked great!
Cathedral of the Holy Family
Never saw such a church before. So artsy and the pictrues weren't that church related to me. Maybe this is why I liked it even more ;)

Wanuskewin Heritage Park
The park isn't finished yet and I can see the idea behind it but I would actually recommend to wait till they are done, because there wasn't much to see.