Jasper Nationalpark - Canada
Before this journey, by that I don’t mean to the Jasper National Park only, I can’t even remember when I lastly saw a waterfall or visited a lake because of its beauty. Sure, I went hiking to explore nature, but seeing the Rocky Mountains the ones in the Saxony Swiss for example feel so small. Additionally I visited most of the lakes in Europe just to have a cool swim in the summer, not just to see them. Traveling first Iceland and now Canada made me value these natural beauties to I degree that I didn’t even know is possible. Our world is so fascinating and especially in the Canadian Rockies you are in awe no matter where you go to. Canada has such an immense number of natural and provincial parks where they cherish its uniqueness while preserving it. I stayed in Jasper for four days only and at almost every spot I wanted to stay longer to soak it in, do another hike and not just one, but there was so much more to see and I didn’t want to miss it. This is definitely a place where I will return and the next time with more time to do further hikes deeper into the nature and higher up the mountains.
The first picture taken at Jasper National Park is actually a rare picture of me happy from the inside out for finally being in this beautiful area. As mentioned in my last blog I was at a low in Edmonton and reaching this beautiful mountain landscape made more than up for the lows I have been though on this journey. The drive was so wonderful and as soon as we checked in a girl from Ottawa, which took a ride with me through Poparide, went for a hike.
By the way absolutely recommend Poparide for both sides. If you want to save money on your transportation it’s a great way and if you want to split the gas costs as well. I used it as driver as well as passenger and it was really great to use (not sponsored).
Old Fort Point
The best part started even before the acutal hike was when an older guy talked to us. He told us that he just passed by a big group of elk and told us to have a look and he was right. It was a group of around eight animals and even two younger ones. Absolutely fascinating to me to see them that close, since I never experienced that before. (Click on the pictures below to enlarge)

The viewpoint itself was also really nice and gives a view over Jasper city and parts of the National Park.
Medicine Lake
Oh fall colors how I love you. Sorry, I get quite cheesy in this blog, it’s been over a month since I left it but looking through these pictures still makes me sentimental. A second sorry for being that late with these blogs. Right now, I’m in Vancouver and finally finding some time to recap my journey and sort through pictures. The bad wlan isn’t making this progress any better, but I try! So, the next blog posts won’t hopefully don’t take as long. But back to topic. This lake isn’t even the most popular one, still, the reflections and fall colors are beautiful to me. At the same time, I was shocked by all the burned trees. BC encounters forest fires on a regular basis and I heard of it before but it makes me sad to see how destructive they are. All the trees apart from the green and yellow ones near the lake are burned down by fires. I don’t know the origin of these fires but it could be a human source. Loads of people still smoke outside and through their cigarettes away even though they ask you not to do that. But also trash like glass can lead to burning in combination with the sun. So please to all of you who read this. If you go into nature, try and leave it the way it was and take all your trash with you, no matter how little it seems. For these trees here it’s already too late, but fresh ones are growing and they should keep doing that without us humans interfering. Even though it was sad to see I was still fascinated by this view. A blue greenish lake, the mountains and trees reflected in it, some blue sky between the clouds. A magical place to me!
Can you see the burned trees which used to be evergreen trees?
Spotted this little thing, it’s supposed to be a Pica of which I never heard before. To me it looks like an in-between mice and hamster. It’s cute anyway and was enjoying the rare sunlight.
Birch on a rock and again dead trees behind it…
On the way to the next lake I passed by this moose mother and it’s calf. Glad that I have made Canadian friends who explained me to spot the difference between moose and elk by the shape of their head especially. Hopefully I got it right this time. If not, correct me Beth ;)
Maligne Lake
Sadly the rental was closed, still enjoy the colors.
Took a boat ride instead and it was beautiful as well!
Spirit Island, depending on the season an island or a peninsula, is a sacred place for the first nations. We weren’t allowed to get on it but it’s very picturesque. Btw. as soon as we got near the island it started snowing lightly. You cannot see it on the pictures, but it was magical!
Look at this skyline, no skyscraper can ever beet this unique look…
Fast ride back, oh how I love the wind in my face!
Alberta and British Columbia are known to have mostly evergreens that is why the fall colors are rare to see.
Maligne Canyon
This canyon can be crossed by several bridges (yes, my knees got shaky again) and you can decide how long you spread your hike beside it. Since it was getting dark already, I just did the first 3 or 4 bridges.
So deep you cannot see the bottom until you lean over…
Miette Hotsprings
Some relaxiation in these two hot pools on the right or cool of in the two cold one on the left surrounded by mountains wanted? I would absolutely recommend to go and it’s only 8$ or so. The way there and back is a curvy mountain road and it was so much fun to drive it, especially in the dark at night (if you don’t think about the wildlife that could basically cross your way all the time). Having a car is the best, I think I’ll buy one soon, since my one here was just rented.
Sorry for the bad picture, is just to give a impression. It’s taken through glass with my phone.
Edith Lake
It’s all about the reflection.
Pyramid Lake
This picture was taken on the cute Pyramid Island in the Pyramid Lake.
Beauvert Lake
Spend a couple of hours walking around this lake, not because it is so big, but because I took what felt like thousands of pictures from this beautiful place out of diverse angles. It was hard to choose which ones to post. Water in combination with mountains might make me even happier than just water!
Isn’t this tree amazing?
The water was so clear!
Little cuties all over again preparing for winter.
Not a fan of golf, but in this scenery even I would try it ;)
Just a couple of the hundreds that rested near the lake. I had to pass by them and again it felt like in a horror movie having them hissing at me. But like a barking dog it just seemed a warning ;)
On the way back to Jasper city I saw a bigger group of elk relaxing by the road not even 5 minutes by food apart from my hostel.
Look at these butts, so cute XD
Valley of the Five Lakes
As the name already describes this trail leads you around five different lakes. One part is considered a challenging hike because you have to hike up and down steep area but to me it should be manageable for most travelers. I enjoyed the hike and views around the valley.
Horseshoe Lake
Well, I would have loved to hike around this lake, it’s supposed to be beautiful, but when I got there the main way was flooded and it was raining anyway, so I just got a short glimpse. So happy with my hiking boots by the way. They are light, fit well and are proven waterproof. Still this flooded way was too deep to go through with them.
This was suppoed to be the trail…
Athabasca Falls
Full of tourists, but still stunning (I mostly try to shoot my pictures without, which was a big challenge here). Now that I have a travel tripod I try to play with longtime exposure and especially at these waterfalls I really liked the results of it.
Light can change a mood so much.
Never was a fan of the softness of a longtime exposure, but now that I finally experiment with them it really grew on me. It’s a simple pictures, but one of my favorites in Jasper.
It’s not only the waterfalls, you can also go down to the river which has a stunning color.
Sunwapta Falls
Not far from the waterfalls above you find more waterfalls. These waterfalls have a beautiful shape by first dividing the river through an island and then uniting it again through the upper falls. Also met a cute older couple with whom I hiked to the lower falls as well. Everyone how knows me would confirm that I am extroverted and talkative. I can hardly go to a place without talking to no one. On the opposite, I sometimes need to force myself to find some time for myself to not push away my inner thoughts and cherish silence as well. On this hike I had great talks, but I also enjoy the quietness of the nature. The only thing that makes me scared is the bears and everyone telling you should make enough noises so they avoid you. I mostly didn’t but when a trail was very rocky and curvy and I had no good view I sometimes just walked singing :D No won’t upload a sample, but it was fun ;)
Upper falls.
Rapids on the way.
Lower falls.
Icefield Parkway
On my last day at the Jasper National Park I drove south on the Icefield Parkway passing by such a stunning nature. I had some stops to take photos of diverse mountain peaks by the road. Each one unique in its shape and beautiful forming this wonderful landscape. (click on the pictures below to enlarge)
Blue sky, mountains, snow – What a day!
No clue what these kind of blowball like flowers are, but I really like them. It was a big field of them by the road so I had to stop to make a photo of them.
Photography is such an enjoyment to me! Not only taking the pictures but by doing so preserving my memories and even better sharing them with friends, families or even strangers through this blog, Instagram or Facebook evolved to be my biggest hobby right now. That is another reason apart from the interet why I am so far behind with posting. I take time for each blog by selecting the wanted pictures, sometimes editing them, looking up the names of the places I have been to, adding some descriptions and then uploading everything. Especially this blog took me very long because I had so many pictures taken and then when I finally got them ready it was problematic uploading them due to slow internet. Then my upload limit for my website was reached (13GB) and I had to upgrade my account to be able to upload more. So yes, it is a time and also money consuming hobby, but I will keep on with it because each blog makes me revive the memories connected to a place and this one brought some heavy and positive emotions back into my heart. Can’t remember the last time I felt so happy and free like these mountains made me feel. Hope you enjoy that I take you with me on this journey ;)